The history of Planet4us started with the frustration by the founders– How can it be that I as a consumer do not know how to make the most sustainable choice – Even for a simple product as cream this is not an easy thing!
Planet4us is a start-up that makes the world better a better place, with a focus on sustainable consumption and the choice of sustainable products. We now take the next step with investors, customers and many others that wants this to fly via Sweden to being a global player. Change to a more sustainable consumption is going to slow – we want to change that!
Every share of the market are worth billions and the business are not, to a very large extent, evaluated on sustainability fact.Solution
Planet4us ranking of companies is an open site that sustainability ranks companies based on facts. Today there is no such fact-based publishing. It should be a driving force for companies to position themselves high on Planet4us companies ranking and to work with there business internal and external to become a more sustainable company. We can help!
Planet4us is making the choice of sustainability products simple and encouraging for the consumers and for the businesses.Solution
Planet4us expertise and customized solutions will make a big difference to the new, explosively growing, market for sustainable products. We make the solution simple and encouraging for the costumer to use, which will result in a system that the costumer will appreciate and use as a tool in daily life. Are you running a business and want to meet and provide the market with sustainable systems and sustainable facts? We can help!
Right now the market have billions of consumers that have a big need getting guidance to make the right choice when they buy products.Solution
Planet4us has its roots in how the consumers want to see a sustainable solution. With our unique calculation method and with several different individual specialist skills we create a successful result together with you which will result in a satisfied and loyal customer. We can help!

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